Be a part of us

Where others are still presenting slides, we are already implementing the first measures
Management Consulting Lessing
Your experts in the area of medium-sized business consulting

Wer sind wir?
Ihre aktive Beratung für den Mittelstand, produktionsnah, von der Pharma bis zur Lebensmittelindustrie, vom Aerospace Bereich über Automotive, dem Elektro und Maschinenbau. Wir sind seit 35 Jahren aktiv in den unterschiedlichsten Produktionen unterwegs.
Ihre Produktionsexperten & Arbeitspsychologen
15 % + Produktivitätssteigerung bereits nach wenigen Wochen
zuzüglich signifikante Qualitätssteigerungen
Wir analysieren, periodisieren und erledigen das, was mit wenig Aufwand einen hohen Nutzen bringt.
Wir sind pragmatisch, zu dritt und decken die Bereiche LEAN & Kaizen genauso ab wie Changemanagement, Führungskräfteentwicklung, Teambuilding, und das Recruiting.
You as a customer, we as a consultant; how do we start together?
The first day: we have coordinated, your goals have been set, our first roadmap is in place
We go directly to your production, directly to the line. We work with easy-to-understand posters, an overview ZERO DEFECT. No error is allowed; everything that occurred in the last 24 hours is noted.
There is an ice box because this is where your employees enter everything that is preventing them from being successful.
There is a shop floorboard. The errors from the Zero Defect Board are discussed and escalated directly. The employees are motivated, define things that are filtered and processed in a prioritized manner. Improvements in the areas of output, error frequency and OEE are already visible in the first week.
Lynn Klöcker, our psychologist, picks up your employees, motivates and supports your team in three shifts and thus ensures a high level of acceptance and harmonizes the interfaces.
After the first week, many topics come to the table that we prioritize to improve.
Mary Vollmer, our coach, goes to small optimization workshops in a structured and goal-oriented manner and works with your employees in a solution-oriented manner.
Problems on the shop floor: Output - Communication - Interfaces - Quality ... This is where we apply the lever!
We sometimes work in five languages: German, English, French, Dutch, Spanish...
Communication is our passion!

Our posters for your success

Every idea from your employees is taken seriously and processed

Small workshops ensure quick success
How do we ensure sustainability?

How do we ensure sustainability?
We train and supervise in three shifts.
We empower and sensitize your employees and your managers. You will identify waste, discuss causes and back up each point with action.
We examine your level of maturity, set goals and make them measurable.
80/20 method; small steps to success. This is how we become sustainable!
We are passionate optimizers
We tackle projects in a structured and prioritized manner and carry out optimizations along the entire value chain.
We speak very directly to you as management, to your managers and employees, because ultimately we want to make a difference together. This is often inconvenient, but it quickly gets us to our goal.
Measurability is part of it, be it for the consultant or the client.
Interpersonal problems and missing interfaces
Misunderstandings, departments disgusting each other...
Our certified psychologist Lynn Klöcker will talk to your employees, create personality profiles and
Coach you intensively.
It brings your teams together and creates new motivation through targeted discussions. It turns your employees into satisfied teams that work together effectively.
Control cascade
Your meetings? Is there a clear agenda? Inputs and outputs? We will set regular meetings with you. Clear communication from the value stream to management. We eliminate over 50% of your unnecessary meetings and create meeting-free zones.
This ensures a uniform reporting structure and the escalation of problems.
What does your organization chart do?
Do we want to slim this down?
Is every employee in your company doing the job they do best?
Do positions need to be filled?
Do you have positions filled twice?
We sort your RTDs and ensure a lean and motivated organization.
Inspiring employees means increasing output
Your employees are the experts; We immediately implement ideas developed on the shop floor.
An incredible increase in performance is achieved when the optimization programs are visible and tangible for everyone.
Saying thank you to your employees is appreciation
KPI & Goals
Together we develop sporting but also realistic goals, because this is the only way improvement can work. Employees are motivated by transparency and measurability. Together we define the benchmark for quality. Even the simplest KPIs like OEE & Yield as wellensure productivity ensuring that improvements can be carried out well.
Headhunting & Recruiting
Skilled labor shortage? Do you need a good manager? We access a very large network of Freelancers and skilled workers. Whether SAP expert, project manager, production manager or shift manager. Whether you are looking for someone in the field of electrical engineering, food & Search for beverage or automotive.
We will introduce you to your ideal candidate within a very short time.
We provide support until the end of the probationary period and our conditions are below the industry average. This saves you from any tedious search, pre-selection and setting procedures. Your human resources department and your managers don't need to bother with complex application processes.
Without any risk for you... speak to our expert, Ms. Vollmer
Kaizen workshops, CIP & sustainability
Our experienced workshop leader Mary Vollmer will conduct improvement workshops with your groups.
Scoping -> where do you have a process problem?
Recording the actual state, determining waste, and process times.
Development of the target state, elimination of waste.
This results in measures that are developed and implemented together.
Value-based maintenance
Value-oriented maintenance is a strategic contribution to profitable business value creation
(Ensuring system availability, exploiting liquidity potential, e.g. by optimizing your spare parts stock).
Efficient maintenance and asset management can be particularly important for complex processesUp to 60% influence production costs directly and indirectly, and is therefore a decisive competitive factor.
We work here with partners who have many years of know-how
So many things we cover? Is that possible?
our philosophy It's quite clear: after 35 years of experience in a wide variety of industries, we have an extremely broad knowledge base. We know industries from pharmaceuticals to Mechanical engineering, automotive and the food industry.
You have a problem? We'll solve it together!
Our team: that's us......
Project example: what have we actually achieved?

The Cosmolux company
The order was:
4 weeks initial order on a pilot line.
Productivity increase: 15%
Reduction of Ferror rate 10%
Through intensive work with the employees, output was stabilized and increased by around 20% during this time.
The error rate dropped dramatically.
This shows what is possible when you want to make a difference with a motivated team.
Is that sustainable?
Conditionally, because sustainability is achieved through intensive coaching of your employees and the transfer of know-how.
The consultant, who is initially in the foreground, decreases as the situation stabilizes and sensitizes your employees to avoid waste.

Our company in
Numbers, data and facts
> 35
years of LEAN Six-Sigma & Kaizen experience
> 50 projects
successfully completed transformation projects
We have been traveling independently since 2014
> 600K€
Annual sales in 2023
Target for 2024 > 800K€
Our customers & Partners have so far been spread out
Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Belgium
We work partly 5 -speak the language and look after you in:
German, English, French, Dutch / Flemish and Spanish
Our previous branchhen:
Chemistry & Pharmaceutical industry
Cosmetics & Aerosol
Foot & Beverage
Air & Space travel
German railway
mechanical engineering
Medium voltage industry
Optical industry
Luxury foods
cell phone & Electronics production
and are open to new things